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Stop Comparing Yourself

Writer's picture: DaisyDaisy

God has placed gifts inside each of us. Our gifts may not be fully known to us, yet, but we all have them. The important thing about our gifts is using them for God's kingdom.

In 1 Corinthians 12: 1-18 Paul compares the body of Christ to the human body. The scripture states how each part has a specific function necessary for the body as a whole.

So, since we are all different parts of one body, the body of Christ, God gave each of us different gifts that are to work together as one.

There’s beauty in our differences and our uniqueness because God made us specifically for his kingdom. Therefore we shouldn't look at someone else's gift as being “better."

Our gifts are meant to work together. We shouldn't compete but complete, and by complete I mean, we should be striving to maintain unity in the body of Christ versus allowing for divisions.

Comparing yourself to others can lead to thoughts of self-doubt and can impact your confidence. God created us all different for a reason, don’t fall into the trap of comparison!

Here are three things that I’ve learned about comparison:

1. God creates a unique place in the body for every believer (we’re all beneficial and equally important)

2. Gifts and ministries may overlap, but each believer has a specialized, God-designed role

3. Comparison is the devil’s work. He uses our weakness and amplifies it by using others and their success as a way to get into our heads. And if we’re not careful, it will control us.

Our gifts weren’t meant to remain in secret or to be kept to ourselves, we are to use them to edify God’s kingdom and that starts with serving his people.

Our gifts were meant to impact the lives of others so they can know who Christ is. When we begin to use our gifts selflessly the body of Christ grows and God’s kingdom will continuously be elevated.

God has placed something special inside of you that the world needs. There are generations who are waiting for you to be obedient to the gifts and purpose God has placed inside of you. Allow God to use you.

So, I want to encourage you. Never look at what someone else is doing and compare yourself or your progress, because I’ve done that and it could have ruined what God has intended for me.

We are all different parts, but make up ONE body.

Scripture for Meditation: 1 Corinthians 12:12 - "There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ."

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